Winter of Elves Read online

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  Alvit gathered some clothes and brought me to a washing room in her home. I soon found out cleaning was done with magic as a basin of warm, sudsy water appeared. I quickly washed off the scent of wolf and changed clothes. Another basin appeared, where my clothes were soon washed and hung by the fire to dry.

  Alvit looked at me and said, “Much better. I think we eliminated the smell of wolf. Now I can take you to Emily.”

  I grabbed my bag of food and followed her outside. We walked quickly on a shoveled cobble path to a house directly ­behind Alvit’s. Alvit knocked, and I could hear Svanhit answer, “Enter.”

  Emily lay on a couch of some sort, barely awake. I ran to give her a hug.

  “Emily, you scared the daylights out of us! We searched everywhere, and then Grandma thought of how you’ve been talking about Svanhit so much and decided this was probably where you went. Here have some food before you fall asleep.” I handed her one of the sandwiches Grandma had packed.

  “Sorry, Aly. I was so scared when I just appeared here. I didn’t even know where I was until Svanhit came out of her house and saw me. I never imagined I could just move myself like this. Even after seeing you and Grandma do it, I didn’t know I could!”

  I turned to the other swan maiden, who was also in human form and just as radiantly beautiful as Alvit was. “Thank you,” I said.

  “You’re welcome, Aly. Now, you better eat, also. I can tell by your eyes that you’ll be asleep soon. Don’t worry. We’ll keep you safe just as you kept us safe when Alvit was injured.”

  I grabbed another sandwich and started eating. I turned toward Emily and saw she was already sound asleep. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Transporting magic took so much energy. Svanhit brought me a pillow and a blanket, and I curled up into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 5

  It was still light outside when I woke. I looked quickly at the couch and saw Emily was still sound asleep. I went again to the container of food and picked out some cookies and a apple this time. I could feel I was still weak and knew food was the only way to regain enough strength to make it home.

  Svanhit entered through the front door with a basket of food. “I’m glad to see you up and eating,” she said. “I know it takes lots of energy to transport yourself and your sister. Here are some of my children and husband’s favorites. Being they’re human, or part human, I thought you may enjoy them.” The basket contained some cheese, crackers, carrots, and oranges.

  I smiled as I took a piece of cheese and a handful of crackers. “Thank you for this. It’s very good cheese. I’ll save some for Emily. How was she when she arrived?”

  “She looked shocked and fearful as she looked around. She didn’t recognize me in my human form so I was just a stranger in a strange place. I forgot at first that she’d only seen me in my swan form, so I quickly transformed for her sake, and she laughed as she ran to me for a hug. In the winter months it’s hard to stay in my swan form because of the cold so I changed back and quickly brought her to my house. My children flocked around her with so much curiosity I had to send them to their other aunt, Olrun, who lives right down the way. As for us being the only swan maidens and also three sisters, we’ve raised our children together. Olrun told Alvit about Emily’s arrival, so our whole little compound’s been on guard. We assumed and hoped you or your grandmother would arrive at sometime,” said Svanhit.

  “I’m glad she wasn’t too scared. These woods seem a bit frightening to me, but I’ve also met a dwarf, and Emily has only seen a troll. She doesn’t really know how dangerous some creatures can be.” I took a bite of the apple before I asked, “Are you really the last of the swan maidens?”

  “We’re the last adult swan maidens. We have six daughters between us though who’ll have the ability to turn into swans. Unfortunately, our sons can’t transform and feel frustrated at times. Our husbands have helped them realize their sisters will always have more freedom, being able to live in the human and magical world. You see, being a swan maiden means you always need to stay hidden just as you need to keep your guardianship hidden.”

  “I see now what your life must be like,” I said. “Magic has its ups and downs. Sometimes I wish I could be the normal girl I was a year ago, but then I wouldn’t have so many wonderful new friends in my life or had all these new experiences. Traveling on Olrun’s back to my grandmother’s house was quite the experience. The freedom you feel while flying is wonderful.”

  Svanhit smiled. “You may be one of the few humans besides our husbands and children who have ever known that freedom. We’ve never given any other human that opportunity, just as you and Emily are the only two outside humans who have seen our homes.”

  Emily woke at that moment. “Nobody else has been here?”

  “No, sweet Emily. We never get visitors here,” said Svanhit.

  “Don’t you get lonely?” asked Emily, rubbing her eyes.

  “At times,” said Svanhit, “but many creatures here are our friends. We’ve all learned to depend on each other for protection.”

  “So, it’s like you have your own little town of friendly creatures?” I asked.

  “Exactly, though we don’t want them to know about you two being here. Secrets can be hard to keep for some. If the word got out, they would detect your guardianships. Humans don’t have the magic to arrive in Murkwood unless someone with great power bestowed it on them. Questions would run rampant on who gave you two such powers. Only a few are as powerful as King Klas.”

  “So a creature may put together that we have something to do with light elves?” I asked.

  “It would be the most logical thought. All of Murkwood now knows of the missing light elves being hunted by the rock elves. News arrives daily from the outside world. Rock elves and dwarfs have searched Murkwood already for the lost elves. King Helmar has offered magical gifts to anyone with knowledge of the light elves. He’s determined to find king Klas’s son!” said Svanhit.

  “What son?” Emily and I asked in unison.

  “You don’t know?” asked Svanhit in surprise.

  “No, we never heard of a son,” I said. “I don’t believe any of the light elves or Grandma know of this, either.”

  “Word is King Helmar found out that the boy child of King Klas and Queen Astrid from the light elf kingdom left the castle before the war between the two elf kingdoms started. A castle spy told him. He has a bounty out now for any information on where this boy, who now would be an adult elf, might be. He’s looking for one band of light elves, not knowing there are more. Somewhere that one band holds the prince,” said Svanhit.

  “So that’s why they’re being hunted!” I exclaimed. “I wonder if Grandma or the lead elves know.”

  “We just assumed all the light elves knew this, but it makes sense they don’t. King Klas is very wise on how he handles everything, so he has kept it secret,” said Svanhit with a smile.

  “Should we keep the secret?” asked Emily.

  “I think your grandmother and the lead elves should know. If the rock elves and other creatures all know, I’d say the secret is out. It may help your villages to know the truth,” said Svanhit.

  “Just think, Aly, a prince may live in one of our villages,” said Emily with a dreamlike expression.

  Both Svanhit and I laughed.

  The rest of our day was a series of catnaps and eating as much as we could until the sun started to set and Alvit came to visit.

  “How strong do you feel? Can you transport home yet?”

  “I still feel a bit weak. How about you, Emily?” I asked, looking at my sister.

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure how to tell,” said Emily.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Svanhit, studying her sister’s face.

  “Olrun and I noticed two dwarfs in the woods smelling the ground like they do when they’re on a serious hunt.
We’re worried we didn’t get rid of all the wolf scent completely, or maybe it’s your human scent, which might be different from our families’. Either way, we don’t know why they’re so close. Dwarfs in the past have left us alone. We have moved all the children inside. I think they know of your presence,” said Alvit.

  “This isn’t good,” said Svanhit. “Human females may smell different from male humans. Our daughters are swan maidens, not human. It may not be wolf scent they’re after but another human.”

  The room went silent while we all took this in.

  “Is there someplace closer than our home we could transport to and be safe?” I asked.

  Both swan maidens thought for a while.

  “Do you have money with you? There are human villages you could go to, but I don’t know where you’d stay. Two young girls out on their own without an adult would cause concern for most humans. We don’t know much about these villages, either,” said Alvit.

  “I don’t think that’d be safe for these two,” said Svanhit. “Where’s Eric? Maybe he could go with them for a day outside the forest area and camp one more night, just long enough to give them strength.”

  “Dwarfs can still hunt them there. They need to get to a city, where their scent will be lost in a crowd. Eric would have no way of returning without magic. Aly wouldn’t have enough magic to transport him back and also transport her and Emily home,” said Alvit.

  “We don’t want to put your family in danger, either,” I said.

  For the next twenty minutes we tried to find a solution.

  “Are there only two dwarfs?” I asked. “I could use the amulet and put them to sleep. The magic doesn’t come from me but from the amulet. The only problem is they won’t wake unless I reverse the spell. I’d have to do it right before I transport Emily and me away or you’ll have permanent sleeping dwarfs in your yard.”

  “Sleeping dwarfs would cause questions,” said Alvit. “I’m not against having two sleep for eternity, though. They’re one of the most dangerous creatures around and are a constant threat to us.”

  “Aly, how much power would it take from you to move them, asleep, to the mountain area?” asked Alvit.

  “What are you thinking, sister?” asked Svanhit.

  “Well, two less threats for us. The mountains are left alone most of the time, so they might not be found for a long time. If they are found, they can’t be tracked to us. Aly and Emily could stay here longer to recover their strength. It might not be fair to the dwarfs, but when are dwarfs fair to anyone else but rock elves?” said Alvit.

  “True. Aly, what do you think?”asked Svanhit, looking at me as if reading my thoughts.

  “Well, I guess it’s better than battling them,” I said. “I’ve battled one once and know how dangerous they are. I also know I want to keep you and your families safe. If we just leave, there still may be a danger to all of you. Dwarfs are headstrong. If they think you’re hiding female humans, they won’t let it go. Just us being here is dangerous for you. Word will spread throughout the forest, won’t it?” I asked looking at both sisters.

  “You’re a wise guardian, Aly,” said Svanhit. “You’re right. They’d be ruthless in searching out why human scent is here.”

  “I see no other way, then. I’ll need put them to sleep and move them away. I’ll need to be close to them for the amulet to work.” I cringed at the thought of facing not one but two dwarfs.

  “I’ll take you to them,” said Alvit.

  I followed her out of the house and into the forest. I kept repeating to myself, Stay calm. You can do this. You can do this.

  I didn’t hesitate when I saw the first dwarf through the trees. I held out the amulet and quickly said, “Slumber now!” With the flash, the dwarf fell to the ground and immediately fell into a deep sleep. This caught the eye of the other dwarf, who ran over to check on his friend. I again held up the amulet and said, “Slumber now!” Another flash made the next dwarf fall on top of the first one, fast asleep.

  A little shaky, I looked at Alvit. “Are you sure there are no more? An angry dwarf isn’t something any of us want to witness.”

  “Let’s wait a few minutes and see. Even though we only noticed these two, I’ve seen one destroy a whole town in anger many years ago, so I think it is wise to wait.”

  We sat silent in our hiding spot and watched and listened. Nothing happened.

  As I stood up after twenty minutes, I could hear Silver’s voice in my head. Aly, light elves protect the life of all beings, she once told me. Only in dire situations will nature take a life to protect us. I knew at that moment what I needed to do. I said out loud, “Awaken now!” and followed it immediately with, “Send these two dwarfs and all of their scents to the mountains of Murkwood. Send these two dwarfs and all of their scents to the mountains of Murkwood. Send these two dwarfs and all of their scents to the mountains of Murkwood.”

  Poof, they were gone. I sighed and smiled toward Alvit.

  “You’re remarkable, Aly, for one so young to have such compassion and power! I would’ve had them sleep forever, but you knew that would be wrong. Also, I would never have thought of getting rid of their scent.”

  “I heard Silver’s voice repeating the lesson she had taught me,” I said. “‘Light elves never take a life unless there is no other way.’ I knew about the scent because we had to do that with the wolf at my grandma’s. With dwarfs out tracking him, we thought it might keep him safe. I sure hope all is well back home.”

  “You’ll be strong enough soon,” Alvit said as she put her arm around my shoulder and gave me a hug. Before we returned to Svanhit’s house we brushed the snow out so no one could guess what had been there.

  As we entered Svanhit’s house, Emily ran up to me. “Are they gone?” she asked.

  “Yes, they’re gone.” I sat down while Alvit told everyone about our adventure. I fell asleep before she finished.

  Chapter 6

  By the time I awoke, it was dark out. The fireplace gave out a soft glow throughout the room. I noticed Emily sound asleep on the couch again. I wondered what time it was as I looked for a clock. I realized as I viewed the room that time probably did not matter much in this magical world. None of the normal human decorations such as clocks and lamps were present. A huge nest area could be barely seen by the little light shining through the open door to another room. The house held a human living area and a swan living area. I wondered which one Svanhit was in at the moment. It was strange picturing a family so mixed with human and creature traits. The place seemed so dangerous, with the huge trees and thick brush that held so many creatures. How did the three sisters stay safe?

  I was deep in thought, daydreaming of life here and picturing what it would be like if we could not return to Minnesota. I suddenly jumped at Svanhit quietly speaking behind me. “Would you like something to drink or eat?” she asked.

  I turned and saw her still in human form. “Yes, please, if you have something. I don’t want you to have to go outside tonight, considering what happened today. I think we all should be on alert in case there are more dwarfs out there.”

  “I don’t think we need to worry. Alvit did an aerial view around the area. There are no more dwarfs. We’re safe, thanks to you.”

  I was relieved to know that as Svanhit handed me some more cheese and crackers with a glass of water.

  “We just need you to become strong enough,” said Svanhit. “Your grandmother must be getting worried.”

  I thought of Grandma and the rest back at Grandma’s house, waiting to see if I found Emily. “I’m going to try to return at the time I left or shortly after. I’ve almost mastered time transporting. I’ve never done it with another person so it might not work right. Grandma already thought of a backup if need be, to ask my parents if we can stay with her for a while. My parents don’t know of mine or Emi
ly’s magic. You’re lucky your children and husbands know. I think keeping it hidden is one of the hardest parts of being a guardian. So many days I want to tell my parents what happened. Emily and I also need to watch what we say around them so we don’t slip in something of the creature world.”

  “That would be hard to do. Our husbands miss their families, so I do know magic can be hard at times. It helps that there are three of them. They’ve become like brothers over the years. As long as they live with us, they don’t age. If they left for more than a month, they’d quickly age and eventually die,” sighed Svanhit. “All magic has good and bad in it.”

  “They must be over a thousand years old, then?”

  “They are. And what a wonderful thousand years we’ve had,” smiled Svanhit.

  “Guardians live the same as other humans,” I said. “We just pass the guardianship off to the oldest daughter. We’re still surprised Emily has it. We think it’s because Grandma waited for a granddaughter because she had no daughters. For me, even if I’m scared for Emily, I’m glad to have someone to talk to. That’s why her disappearing scared the daylights out of me. I can’t imagine ever losing her.”

  “I can see you two sisters are like us three, always looking out for each other,” said Svanhit with a smile.

  I smiled back as I thought about it.

  “Now it’s time for us to try to get more sleep,” said Svanhit as she said good night and moved to one of the other rooms.

  I lay down and thought about Murkwood, the swan maidens, and what other creatures might be hidden here in these woods. Do giants still exist? How about dragons? Are all the Norse gods gone or are some still here? What about mermaids? Slowly I fell back to sleep.